Bankruptcy is a legal process that provides relief from debt when you’re unable to meet your financial obligations. However, preparing to file for bankruptcy involves several essential steps that you should understand to ensure you approach this significant decision well-prepared and informed.
Gather your financial documents
Start by collecting all your financial records. This includes recent bank statements, credit card statements, loan documents, and any other records of your debts. You also need proof of income, like recent pay stubs or tax returns, and a list of your assets and monthly living expenses.
Assess your debt
Make a complete list of all your debts, whether secured or unsecured. Secured debts are linked to an asset, like a house or car. Unsecured debts include credit card bills and medical expenses. The nature of your debts will help determine the type of bankruptcy that may be appropriate for you.
Credit counseling
Before filing for bankruptcy, you must complete a credit counseling course from an approved agency. This course must occur within the six months before your filing. It’s designed to help you understand the bankruptcy process and assess your financial situation.
Decide the type of bankruptcy
Two types of bankruptcy filing are most likely to suit your situation: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Chapter 7, known as liquidation bankruptcy, involves selling eligible assets to pay your debts.
In contrast, Chapter 13 allows you to keep your assets and organize a repayment plan to settle debts over three to five years. Consider your ability to repay and the debts you owe when making this decision.
Consult a bankruptcy administrator
While it’s necessary to handle much of the preparation yourself, consulting with a bankruptcy administrator can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation. They can help ensure you have all the required documentation and assist you in filling out the necessary forms correctly.
By taking these steps, you can effectively prepare for filing bankruptcy and ensure that you manage the process with clarity and confidence.