Facing the prospect of foreclosure can be a daunting experience, triggering stress and uncertainty about the future of your home. In such challenging times, it is important to understand your options. One avenue to explore is Chapter 13 bankruptcy. It is a potential...
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Bankruptcy and your credit score
Personal bankruptcy can give you a fresh start on your finances, but it comes with some costs. One of these costs is damage to your credit score. A low credit score can limit your ability to borrow money once you have completed the bankruptcy process, and that can...
Are tax debts dischargeable under chapter 7 bankruptcy?
The American Bankruptcy Institute reported that in 2022, of the 13,076 bankruptcy cases filed in Indiana, 7,833 were for Chapter 7. Navigating the complexities of bankruptcy can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to tax debt. Individuals seeking financial...
4 tips for rebuilding your credit post-bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a valuable tool for helping relieve the burden of overwhelming debt, but it does come with downsides. While the idea that it completely and irreversibly destroys your credit is a misconception, filing for bankruptcy does affect your credit score for a...