Paying off loans can be tough. Sometimes, it's so tough that people may need to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This is a plan that helps people reorganize their debt, allowing them to repay some or all of their obligations in three to five years. As a homeowner, it...
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Can you keep your car if you declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help you discharge unsecured debts like credit cards and medical bills. This process can sometimes lead to the liquidation of your personal property, including valuable assets like your vehicle. By carefully planning ahead, it is possible to...
How can Chapter 13 help struggling small businesses?
Small businesses in financial turmoil often turn to Chapter 13 bankruptcy to regain their financial footing. Reuters reports a 23% increase in Chapter 13 filings in 2023. This legal process offers a structured path for organizations to reorganize and repay their debts...