Filing for bankruptcy could be a stressful process. It could involve a series of procedures, such as filing a bankruptcy petition with the court. All these steps are necessary to organize and resolve debts or repayments. A vital part of this process is determining...
Helping People Get A Fresh Financial Start to Regain Financial Independence
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How does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan work?
There are many unexpected situations that arise for people in Indiana. Many people live their lives based on their current circumstances. They make their financial choices based on their current financial situation. However, there are times when that financial...
What is Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and how does it work?
If you are struggling with debt and want to avoid foreclosure or liquidation of your assets, you may consider filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the wage earner’s plan, requires you to have a regular income and pay a portion of your debt back to...
Do I qualify for a Chapter 13 hardship discharge?
When deciding to file bankruptcy in Indiana, you may choose a Chapter 13 bankruptcy for various reasons. Unlike a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which eliminates all your qualifying debts, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to pay your debts off over 3 to 5 years through a...
Excessive holiday spending can cause credit card woes
Whether you braved the crowds on Black Friday or shopped from the comfort of your home on Cyber Monday, it is likely that you spent your fair share of money on holiday gifts and used a credit card to purchase these items. The problem with excessive holiday spending...
How do you handle taxes if you have declared Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
At some point over the years, you encountered a heavy financial burden in your business and you found yourself drowning in debt to the point where you now need to declare Chapter 13 bankruptcy. When you are in a situation where you have had to declare bankruptcy, many...
Can a Chapter 13 bankruptcy help me with IRS debt?
An Indianapolis resident does not have to be dishonest or even careless to wind up in tax debt with the Internal Revenue Service. A simple mistake or even just some financial hardships that make it hard to pay a tax bill can mean an Indiana family will be dealing with...
Can Chapter 13 help me if I have multiple liens on my home?
For a variety of reasons, many Indianapolis residents can find themselves upside-down on their homes, meaning the home is worth less than the loans they have against it. Some may have multiple mortgages or other liens against their homes. In this situation, homeowners...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy and foreclosure
Most homeowners in Indiana have no intentions of missing mortgage payments. There are many unexpected events that occur in life though that drastically reduce people’s income. They could lose a job or suffer major injuries that prevent them from working. When people...
What is the Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan?
Debt can be overwhelming. It can begin as a manageable necessity for an Indiana resident to acquire property or credit, and spiral into a burdensome financial obligation that the person cannot get ahead of. When debt becomes something that an individual cannot manage...